Thanks for your feedback!

Here are the questions we are frequently asked

What to do if I do not receive any kind of notifications?

Make sure that all <MANDATORY> labelled fields are filled out for the equivalent question...

Example: Let's generate an E-Mail when any form answer is given:

1) Select Timestamp at cell A2

2) Enter phrase: AnyValue at cell O2

3) Enter your E-Mail address at cell R2

your <settings> sheet should be filled out like this now:

-> now submit the form and you'll receive an E-Mail

...if not:

Let's make sure, that basic setup is correct -> perform function "1) create|check form & sheet" and follow the instructions shown.

What to do if I do not receive any Reminder EMail?

Make sure that all <MANDATORY> labelled fields are filled out for the equivalent question...

Example: Let's generate a Reminder E-Mail everyday / when you perform menu function "4) send reminder manually":

1) Select Timestamp at cell A2

2) Enter -1 at cell F2

3) Enter your E-Mail address at cell I2

your <settings> sheet should be filled out like this now:

-> now perform function "4) send reminder manually" and you'll receive a Reminder E-Mail

...if not:

Let's make sure, that basic setup is correct -> perform function "1) create|check form & sheet" and follow the instructions shown.

How to send reminder mails only once per week?

You can calculate the [Reminder Interval] cell in order to adjust behaviour when a reminder E-Mail for a specific [Form question] is sent.

E.g. use following formula at cell [Reminder Interval] at the row of your selected [Form question], to send reminder E-Mails every Mondays only:


in order to send an E-Mail on the LAST day of each month, use:


in order to send an E-Mail on the FIRST day of each month, use:


Keep in mind: adjust the recalculation behaviour of your Spreadsheet, go to:

File -> Spreadsheet settings -> Calculation -> Recalculation -> "On change and every hour"

Can I adjust the daily trigger time when the periodic REMINDERs are sent?

Yes. You can set up your trigger time for each MaintainApp-Sheet individually. Go to:

Add-ons -> MaintainApp -> "5) update time trigger" -> insert a time [h] between 0 and 23.

Keep in mind: The MaintainApp uses your spreadsheet time zone for calculation (to check your time zone, go to:

File -> Spreadsheet settings -> General -> Time zone)

Can I see which task has to be done next?

Yes. Go to:

Add-ons -> MaintainApp -> "3) get reminder summary".

An E-Mail will be sent to your E-Mail address with all defined tasks, ascending sorted by due date.

Is it possible to remove the E-Mail signature "Google Sheets Add-on <MaintainApp>"

Yes. As soon as you've added five or more questions, the signature will disappear automatically.

Can I modify the INTERVAL / REFERENCE E-Mails accoring to the Form answers (of the past)?

Yes. The MaintainApp functionality is executed after the values are written to the Sheet. You can compute values, based on the Form answers and adjust the EMail recipient / reminder interval / limit / etc. accordingly.

Google Sheets is a very powerful data manipulation tool... use it.

Why is the MaintainApp a Google Sheets Add-On and not a Google Forms Add-On?

Google Forms is an easy user interface to submit single data entries but you can not evaluate information of previously submitted form answers.

To send reminder E-Mails it is necessary to access subitted data of the past.

Regarding notifications it might be useful to set-up rules, which are also based on previous form answers, e.g. when checking if a value passes a threshold value.

You can dynamically adjust your reminder/reference values easily with standard google sheets functions. E.g. calculating a limit, based on the average value of the last 10 numeric answers.

Furthermore you can (currently) send 100 E-Mails per day when using a sheet add-on, instead of 20 E-Mails per day using a form add-on.*

Do you have any PROMOTION at the moment?

Yes. Submit your E-Mail address at our Promotion page and you'll instantly receive a Lisence Key to process 7 questions in total**


*All google quotas are subject to elimination, reduction, or change at any time, without notice.

**This promotion is only valid for limited time.